Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The old software model is outdated

I'm trying out the beta for Microsoft Office 2010.  This beta program is a great marketing option for Microsoft.  At this point they allow almost anybody to download their software and use it.  But it comes with a price, the software will expire in October 2010.  At that point many of us will be hooked on the new features and will have the need to purchase the software.
The product I've used the most in this new Office suite is Outlook.  It is significantly improved and finally has some much needed features such as message threading.  Outlook also gets the Ribbon functionality, with its graphical menu, which it only partially had under 2007.

This is bad.

It isn't bad that we have those functions.  It is bad that we had to wait until now to get it.  The Ribbon was one of the main features of most of the other Office 2007 products, but apparently the Ribbon hadn't been completed in Outlook in time for the 2007 release.  So we got what was ready and had to wait until 2010 to get this feature integrated into Outlook.  And I get to buy the product again.
Don't get me started about threaded messages.  This is the feature that groups your messages with the same subject line together.  I've been enjoying that feature for at least four years in Gmail and was hoping for it in Office 2007.  Now I can have it in Outlook 2010.  If I want to buy the full product.

What is next?  Office 2012, 2013?  Will I wait three years for improvements?  This is no longer the way to run a software company.  Improvements should be incremental and more frequent.  Cost structures should be changed.  Microsoft will realize this at some point but it will come at the cost of lost revenue.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Obligatory Tax Protest

Today is the deadline where all U.S. citizens must reconcile their taxes for 2009.  Taxes are really in a mess.
We are taxed when we earn and when we spend.  We are even taxed when we save. We pay taxes for just owning something. Those that don't make much money or who have a large number of kids might actually receive money from the Federal Government by filing taxes.  Where does that money come from?

It comes from people who pay taxes, which are individuals or couples with no kids, or who make a lot of money.  Or it comes from debt.  Even with all the money that is paid in it isn't nearly enough to run the country.

I'd like to see a National Sales Tax.  No more taxation when we earn or save.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Relationships Atrophy if left alone

As we move through time it is important to understand that everything that lives is in motion.  The earth revolves around the sun, the sun continues its trajectory through space, the earth spins on its axis.  Those things that don't move die.

That is the way it is with relationships, whether they are with your customers, co-workers, or spouse.  If you don't take care of your relationships things will just get worse.

I was reminded today that we tend to treat those we know well much worse than those we don't.  Is it the familiarity that leads us to think we don't need to cherish those we know and love?  Time to spend time with those that matter most.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We are all salesmen

Whether we are making a proposal to our boss or applying for a job we are all selling ourselves and our ideas.  Unfortunately most of us aren't very good salesmen and we sabotage what we want.
Sales doesn't mean you are tricking others, rather it covers how we present our ideas and services.  As Dan Miller has said many times "Sales is simply sharing enthusiasm."